YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends


Whenever someone books a call with me, it’s always to make more money.

On some level you’re stuck, and despite running your business all these years and getting it to where it is now… …and yet you can’t seem to work out who or what ELSE to invest […]

On some level you’re stuck, and despite running your business all these years and getting it to where it is now…
…and yet you can’t seem to work out who or what ELSE to invest in to help you grow past this income point.
It’s a pretty common thing.
Your current income comes fairly easily to you – but growing past it?
Whenever you have tried, through new funnels, launch methods, marketing and more, you’ve MADE more money for that time, but you evened out in the long run…
And thats pretty fucking infuriating because you SHOULD be able to nail this am I right?
So it’s pretty cool when the problem my clients have starts with money and ends with better relationships, a healthier body, outrageously cool opportunities, dream vacations, incredible encounters with people, adventures, a glowing and growing business, freedom AND uncapped income!
Pretty bold claim right?
Alright, so play with me for a second:
What is stopping you from at least doubling your income right now?
Let’s say one of the answers is “Well TECHNICALLY nothing…I’ve got the offers and people ARE buying, But I should double my rates, but people already think my rates are too high so this can’t be it and I don’t want to loose all my customer base because I want to increase my own income either!”
It could be something else, but this one IS common, and you’re likely familiar with it.
What happens when you’re at a level where you HAVE already doubled your rates. And successfully so? With awesome clients who happily pay this and who see massive growth because of it?
Do you think you’ll live exactly as you were before?
Do you conduct yourself the same way?
Because your identity has changed to be someone who behaves as someone who makes that much.
And that person, that version of you, LIVES differently. That version of you has learned to delegate effectively which creates more freetime, which leads to you being able to have more headspace, better sleep, make better decisions, you include more fun in your life because now you have more time, because you earn more you’re able to level up your lifestyle too and because you’re working on yourself your relationship with yourself and others improves.
The problem always starts with money. But it never ends there.
And if you’d like to join my clients who are able to pursue their music career while running profitable agencies, who travel around the world in their Van hosting glamorous retreats their clients GLADLY pay good money for, if you want to join them creating adventures, fun and love AND make more money – you can book a free clarity call where I help you figure out what is keeping you stuck and how you can solve it in 30 min.
Click the link here to book your call. 

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