YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends

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Email me at hello@adinakroll.com or fill out the form below. If you are looking to work together then schedule a clarity call.

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    The message has been sent to my inbox, I usually reply within 48 working hours. If you haven’t heard anything from me by then the internet gods might have been mischievous – in that case please feel free to email at hello@adinakroll.com

    Follow me on Instagram while you wait for more updates + tips.


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