YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends


When do you know you’ve done ENOUGH work on your mindset to grow?

When do you know you’ve done ENOUGH work on your mindset to grow? because there’s gotta be a finish line… ….right? A common reflection I get from current clients, potential clients, strangers on the internet […]

When do you know you’ve done ENOUGH work on your mindset to grow?

because there’s gotta be a finish line…


A common reflection I get from current clients, potential clients, strangers on the internet and potentially my cat (since he sits behind me whenever I work so he’s clocked some insane inner work hours!)

It’s a fair question!


When DO you know you’ve done enough inner work because at some point the income plateau or the fat that you’re not achieving your goals has to come down to systems + skills right?!

Short answer:

As long as you have a goal, you’ll always have some form of inner work that will come up for you.


Because change = potential danger to your brain.

And a GOAL/DESIRE is a state or reality you have not YET reached which your brain interprets as “we don’t know therefore we prepare for the worst!”

NOW this isn’T ALWAYS the case. Your goal might be to eat the nicest food in Thailand! <– you won’t really have to be doing mindset work around the fear of “but what if I eat the best food and it’s not good enough?”

We’re strictly talking business here. Because business in our society has heavy implications. We’ve been taught to have careers, stable income and prepare for retirement – A LOT is at stake when it comes to this.

So your fears in relation to a desire that’s related to your business will proportionally be more weighty than, a food choice for instance.

And it’s also the reason that you’re never going to reach a point in which you say “RIGHT, that’s it – I don’t want ANY changes in my career, I’m fine where I am I don’t want more money, clients or recognition!”

And that’s a GOOD thing!

Partly because if we didn’t have the perpetual drive as a human race to get closer to our desired state we’d die out as a species, or wouldn’t have come as far as we had!

It’s hard wired into us to always want more than we have!

And when we understand that we can start using that to our advantage.

So that’s why the mindset work is never really done.

But our egos are REALLY good at making you believe you are, so you don’t change from where you’Re at <– because that’s its job. To keep you safe. And safe means staying where you are.

In the Wealth Rebellion Academy I will take you through your own limiting beliefs and how you can shift your identiy to your next level using your Human Design chart!

Because everyone has different needs and ways they process information. So if you’d like to know more about this 8 week container starting on September 5th I’d be delighted to have you.

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