YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends


Some industry professionals will go to great lengths to tell you that all you need to do is count to 5 and just do it.

And sure if you’re able to physically do it why shouldn’t that be the case? Just count to five and send the new 20k proposal to the client that has been the biggest one you’ve […]

And sure if you’re able to physically do it why shouldn’t that be the case?
Just count to five and send the new 20k proposal to the client that has been the biggest one you’ve ever done…
Just count to five and let your team member handle the tasks they’re hired to do but you’ve been holding off giving them 6 months…
Just count to five and all the things you KNOW you’re capable of and should theoretically be doing are a thing of the past. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And that’s really….how do I put it nicely…
…shit advice.
Because you’d do it. It’s not about 5 seconds and just come hell or high water
Because you KNOW sending out thay big proposal shouldn’t be a problem. The client WANTS to know your work, has specially asked for it, you’ve done the maths and have the stripes to prove you got this…
…and yet!
If counting to 5 was the problem then you wouldn’t constantly lose focus and find other “more pressing” tasks to do JUST before your pencilled in the task to send out the bloody thing!
And they’re all great reasons to have pushed it off because “you just want to make sure you spend quality time on the proposal so you get it right” – perfectly reasonable…
…isn’t it?
Only then two, three or four weeks pass and the task is still in your to do list along with now 200 other ones that seem equally important and now you’re not only feeling behind but also uncertain because NOW you’re also not sure if the client still WANTS the proposal!
Now you feel guilty and embarrassed- trying to figure out whether to just ignore it and send it anyway, or what excuse if travel arrangements to give to your clients where you can gauge a) if they’re still interested without sounding like a weirdo and b) if they’ve filled the role elsewhere.
This doesn’t happen because you didn’t count to five and just DID IT!
You’ve built your business THIS far, getting shit done isn’t exactly a problem for you.
But not working through your limiting beliefs and creating an identity that aligns with your highest potential is!
And, sure, are there moments where you simply just have to count to five and do it?
But if you’re tired, unfocused, overwhelmed, overworked, burnt out and feeling stuck being told that you’re simply not counting down to give and doing it is actually harmful.
Now you’re adding shame to the mix because “heh, you SHOULD be able to do this right?”
And shame is a terrible place to seek motivation from.
But here is what is if this sounds familiar to you:
Find out how staying where you are is keeping you safe.
Your entire body is designed to keep you alive but NOT happy. Your brains primal function is to make absolutely sure that ANYTHING you do won’t kill you.
And so anytime you are going towards something you have never had before your brain HAS TO figure out alllll the ways in which this could harm you.
But the real problem is that your current reality is the one you survived in the longest. And the unknown is unsafe so it will ALWAYS try to keep you at your current level.
Which is why “simply counting to give and doing it” is severely lacking in context.
You’re not less than because this seems hard.
You simply haven’t been shown how to unlock and up level your identity to behave
From your highest potential.
And when you want help with that – book a clarity call because that’s exactly what I’ll help you do!

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