YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends


I used to spend SO much time OVER giving for my clients…

Got a 90 min call with me?   I’d give you 3 hours!   Hit a roadblock that frustrated you 10pm my time while I chilled in my PJ’s playing SKyrim?   I DID help […]

Got a 90 min call with me?


I’d give you 3 hours!


Hit a roadblock that frustrated you 10pm my time while I chilled in my PJ’s playing SKyrim?


I DID help with a 10 min voicenote!


Got a troublesome team member you need to set firm boundaries with?


I went and coached them too!


Would these things be considered a bad thing?


Not really….and I told myself as much.


After all, helping people is why I was in this to begin with, right?


So I did!


Help them…


Whenever, and wherever at any second I could….


WIthout regard for my own health, wealth and happiness.


Now, lucky for ME (and my clients really) I go through the same coaching I put my clients through and got called out on my shit.


And boy, it’s something else sitting on the receiving end of these calls – I definitely know why you’d avoid them oof


Because it was then, that I was shown how I actually made my clients responsible for my lack of self worth back then – hoping that if I worked JUST Hard enough and proved myself I’m valuable and good enough.


That by constantly DOING things, being there, helping others, ALWAYS pu


tting others first before myself – I was not only making myself ill, I was standing in my own way and didn’t grow and my answer was to keep doing more and more and more.


And that’s something I work on with my clients and help them overcome now! Their overwhelm, constant need for productivity and being people pleasers disguised as ‘being helpful’ is often a reason THEY aren’t growing their income and impacting more people with THEIR Mission.


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