YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends


There’s a rule I live by and teach in business:

Let them rise to the occasion! Meaning that as long as I provide the platform and the means for my ideal clients to SEE how I can help them, give them ACCESS to me AND […]

Let them rise to the occasion!
Meaning that as long as I provide the platform and the means for my ideal clients to SEE how I can help them, give them ACCESS to me AND plenty of opportunities to do so paid and free…
…they get to rise to the occasion.
There are a lot of people who will constantly tell you how much they want to work with you.
And you’re ready for them because you CAN SEE how you can elevate them but they never even book a call with you because they already talk themselves out of working with you based on your rates, or because the intake form was too long…
Which is why one of the best client experiences I had was BEFORE she was my client.
She booked a sales call and within ten minutes I realized this was not going to help her.
She needed help right now. She was in tears, been running her business for a few years and was madly successful but she got herself into a rut for a reason and was slowly running out of her cushion funds…
…once it was so easy for her to sign clients but she just ‘lost the ability to’.
So as a last resort, she heard I was a good coach and thought I’d just rattle off my packages and generic advice and that be it.
When someone comes to me with a problem, they will ALWAYS walk away with something valuable. And in this call, I helped her identify what the problem was, and I gave her homework.
No 48 hours after this essentially free coaching call, I get message.
“Sooooo since talking to you, I’ve booked a pet sit, a house sit, signed two new clients, and started writing a book. Adina you are magic!”
So how did that happen?
Well first of all I didn’t give her MORE to do.
Her nervous system was fried from work AND the pandemic.
So I gave her work that helped her calm down her nervous system.
I also looked at her Human Design chart and found out that she was doing everything her HD type needed to avoid.
And most importantly, she needed to see how she was sabotaging herself FOR herself. So I carefully coached her and showed her what her current narrative is and how it’s keeping her stuck.
Anyway, she did her homework and a few weeks later she signed as a Private client with me.
And a few months later she smashed through her business targets, while traveling the world, she hired a video team for a project, had a better relationship with herself AND others and more!
The work might start with business. But it never ends there.
And as my Teacher Kain Ramsay always says: “You cannot want more for a person than what they want for themselves!”
But boy is it glorious when they do! When they’re stuck but WILLING to rise to the occasion?
That shit gives me goosebumps every time!
So when you’re ready – book your own call and see what could be possible by the end of the year if you step into that version of yourself.

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