YOU are a smart one! Clicking something that wasn't actually a button!

Turns out this little button has only been found by one person so far. I enjoy rewarding this kind of treasure seeking behavior so you will be rewarded my dear!Q

Email me at hello@adinakroll.com with the Subject line "hidden message on your website" and I'll send you a one-time use coupon of 30% off that you can use on any of my single-session services <3 and if you want extra brownie points: send pics of your pets! I can't get enough of our furry friends

You’re Making Money… But You’re Hitting a Wall

You’ve built a solid foundation—now it’s time to break through the ceiling and make your next level inevitable!


Your business is successful. You’re making six figures, maybe even multi-six. But no matter what you try—more strategies, more hires, more pushing—you’re stuck at the same level.

❌ You’re working harder but not scaling the way you should.

❌ You’re investing in ads, funnels, and coaching—but something still isn’t clicking.

❌ You feel like you’re one move away from a breakthrough… but you don’t know what it is.

Here’s why: Your next level isn’t about doing more—it’s about becoming more.

The biggest bottleneck isn’t your strategy. It’s your identity, belief system, and internal alignment.

Your business can only expand to the level of who you are willing to become.

That’s where I come in. Let’s strip away the noise, get to the root of what’s keeping you stuck, and unlock your next level in a way that actually lasts.

Ready to stop spinning your wheels and create momentum that sticks? Let’s talk.

Ready to uncover what’s really holding you back and create the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for?

Let’s pinpoint why you’re stuck. In 30 minutes, I’ll help you see what’s blocking your next leap—and how to fix it.


Resillient Leaders Reset – 97$

It’s time to make your To-Do list do what it’s supposed to do! It’s meant to bring you a sense of structure and peace, not stress you out more! This mini course is specifically designed for leaders who want to stop overwhelm in its tracks and conquer it for more freedom and space. In just 50 minitutes broken down into 5 videos you’ll have everything you need to reduce your stress and overwhelm in practical ways that don’t add tons of work!

Get the Course!

Private Coaching – Starts at 750$ a month

My private coaching container that is tailored to what YOU need and the results you want to create and I assess everyone’s situation personally to ensure a perfect fit. To discuss working together closely please book a call below.

Book your Consultation

Ready to break through the barriers holding you back and unlock your next level of success?

In just 30 minutes, we’ll identify what’s keeping you stuck and create a clear path forward to achieve your breakthrough.

Book your call now

It's time to BECOME the version of you who is ready for your next level

Get Unstuck & Unstoppable: Find the Fear That’s Secretly Sabotaging You

Get access to the clarity you need to find out what’s sabotaging you

Feeling Scattered? Get Back in Control

In just 50 minutes you will have an exact blueprint of how to concquer your overwhelm, stop it in its tracks, and take back control of your mind and body!

Find out more!
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